How to Design Text Headings as in Movie Titles

Tips • Aug.17, 2022

movie titles

Editor’s note: This is a sponsored article and all content and opinions expressed are from BeLight Software.

Are you ready to grab your favorite popcorn, take a sip of coke, and enter the world of lettering from a stunning perspective? The way brands decide to style movie titles in cinematography isn’t random. It also predetermined how the visual pattern of the product will be sold for further fan-oriented products like cups or T-shirts.

Naturally, that isn’t the key goal to come up with great headings in movie titles. Experimenting with typography styles is another opportunity to deliver the genre and concept of the movie. You will hardly ever meet a horror picture with the name designed in a unicorn style, won’t you? This choice depends on the reaction of spectators, along with the movie content, its characters, and plot lines. Stay tuned to get to know about creating titles in cinematography fashion.

Note: If you’re working closely with writing (in any form) as your primary and core form of work are in dire need of software and tools to manage fonts.

The evolution of lettering in movie titles

Animated typefaces were plain and quite straightforward. Their dominant objectives were to simplify manufacturing and guarantee text clarity for recipients. Over time, technological advancement influenced cinematography, enabling masters to implement more complex and visually rich techniques in decorating movie titles.

Prominent movie and broadcast studios leverage typographic graphics for cinematic purposes, enticing users to check what the movie is about from a quick glance at its poster. Since such effects are highly recognizable and can increase the efficiency of your custom call to action (just remember the style of the Harry Potter films and their titles), it is strikingly clear they are welcome guests on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.

Movie titles templates for beginners

Despite how beautiful and complex these text effects seem, toolkits of modern graphic design software will be able to satisfy your expectations. There are specialized solutions for lettering and typography, which are well-tuned for this challenge, and Art Text is among them. This program for Mac compliments numerous text styles — feel free to check its gallery to see the results of its fans’ creativity.


3D Typography

Is it the latest trends in the cinematographic industry? The answer is straightforward. You will come across numerous titles, which are designed thanks to plain or more advanced three-dimensional techniques. The aesthetics of Suicide Squad, Shazam! and Luke Rage titles represent the superhero atmosphere of these films.

The capacity of the suggested software to create complex and multifaceted text visuals is special. There are numerous options and in-built presets to test and combine — that is how you can get to learn how to see a target creation’s details of movie titles. Then the design process will go easier.

To head a kickstart, interested parties are welcome to distinguish what material presets they like most — there are over twenty hundred varietals in the Art Text catalog. The characteristics of the material setting combine surface, reflection mask, color temperature, and illuminance effects.

To perfect the layout of the three-dimensional typography, audiences don’t have to hesitate about modifying any of the aforepresented characteristics. Gradients and hue deepness are must-haves to add more volume and distinguish custom patterns of a certain movie title.  An example utilizing these techniques in practice, when produced in Art Text 4, can be seen here.


2D Text Embossing

Even two-dimensional projects can impress with their spaciousness and airiness. With the help of shading materials and 2D text editing options of Art Text, you can create any texture and material for your text line. For instance, the Bump Map instrument is what interested parties require to prepare scratches or other imperfections on the plain surface and make it look more realistic in such a way. Whether you consider ink, glass, plastic, and so on, their vibrance is possible even with 2D text fill effects on board.

The list of movie titles that can be recreated with the highlighted tools is second to none — it is one of the most classic approaches in the cinematographic industry. Such movies as Harry Potter and Stranger Things are exquisite samples.

Mask Effects

Art Text presents a lot of masks to test. Just try to visualize what the titles of Flash and similar movies can look like — there is still a lot of room for imagination and creativity. The key peculiarity of this effect is its simplicity and wow results. It is a premium option to finish both 2D and 3D text effects, transforming them into custom and special visual objects. Aging, layering, and other combinations will work on your behalf here. The more you practice, the more breathtaking outcome is expected.

Spray Fill

You are welcome to modify simple approaches to designing movie titles thanks to the implementation of frontier technologies. Art Text has a premium feature, which suits this objective to the greatest extent possible — Spray Fill. In its essence, this ability enabled interested parties to compose text out of separate elements. Samples of phrases made of air balloons or coffee beans are pretty simple to visualize.

The value of this effect for movie titles is clear. It is a gorgeous way to make them even more magnificent, meaningful, and eye-catching. Take a closer look at the lettering of Up by Disney, released in 2009. It would be nice to adjust a simple font with the aforementioned air-balloon Spray Fill technique. Another Disney movie, Frozen, already has visual similarities with the analyzed feature — but they can be improved significantly for a greater fairy-tale effect.


Professional templates by Art Text

If you are interested in precise and accurate results, Art Text has already coped with the task — its gallery is a marketplace for mesmerizing movie title text effects for any demand and purpose. Those who would like to adjust them and bring a unique vibe are enabled to pursue their own goals. The palette of samples is perfectly customizable.

With more than four hundred templates, Art Text caters to the major part of popular and noticeable movie title styles in the market. These typographic visuals are available for free and on a pre-paid basis. Visit the site to get acquainted with this offer in more detail!