New Years Resolution

New Year is the perfect time to sort out your Mac, do all tasks you are behind, and prepare for a fresh start. If you ever set New Year’s resolutions, you would know that it’s really hard to stick to them.

If you’re a Mac user – in this article, you will learn how to take advantage of your Mac to stay consistent with your resolutions and achieve your New Year’s goals.

No, the apps won’t do everything for you. However, they’ll keep you accountable and will ensure you keep up with the smaller tasks that will help you achieve bigger goals.

We’ll teach you how to set your New Year’s resolutions on Mac (if you haven’t yet) but we’ll also show you some of the best apps that will keep you in check – so keep on reading!

How to set new year’s resolutions on Mac?

No matter what your New Year’s resolutions are, there is at least one app available on Mac to help you keep track of your consistently and have your end goal in mind.

First, you’ll need to set your New Year’s resolutions. If you didn’t set them yet – here’s a quick couple of tips that will help you set that up:

  • Dream big but break your big dreams into smaller goals
  • Understand why you want and need to make a change
  • Learn from the past and apply it to the future goals

When you make your New Year’s resolutions – it’s all about finding the right app that will allow you to keep track of your resolutions.

If you’re someone who sets many resolutions – we believe that this article will be perfect for you.

Most types of apps that can help set New Year’s resolutions on Mac are:

Many other app types could help you, depending on your goal. Therefore, we chose 8 apps that we think would be a great fit for every Mac user. Keep on reading to find the reviews below!

Best Mac apps for new year’s resolutions

Most of New Year’s resolutions can be accomplished by applying focus, consistency, and productivity. It’s easier said than done – so to stay motivated but also keep your New Year’s resolutions in mind at all times, these are the apps that will help keep you accountable!

Organize your digital life with Craft

craft do

Craft is an impressive new contender to the documents space. Released in November 2020, this stylish writing app and productivity tool, has been named Mac App of the Year for the 2021 App Store Best of 2021 Awards.

The app helps you to create attractive looking documents with interactive videos, structured layouts and easy collaboration.

The user interface of Mac version is simply beautiful. Text and images are centered in the page with wide margins and plenty of white space. Comparing to Google Docs and Microsoft Word, it has colourful array of text formatting, visual upgrades to page design for easy understanding.

The app allows you to create pages within pages and organize them any way you want, as well as share a link that can be viewed by anyone. To think of Craft as a mere note-taking app is missing the real power of the software.

A great feature that is Craft’s collaboration feature. You can create a shared workspace with another individual who has subscribed to Craft, which is great for working on documents together in real-time, express your thoughts and collaborate effectively. You may also create a quick private link,which can be shared to your trusted colleagues to provide feedback.

You can download Craft for free at, and if you think it could be a welcome addition to your workflows, the subscription cost is $4.99/month or $44.99/year.

Plan with Grid Diary

Grid Diary

Not everyone is a diary-type person but before you skip this app – we recommend you learn how it works.

Grid Diary is not your usual diary where you get to write down your thoughts. It’s a modern version of a diary that combines planning and thought inputs into one with the help of highly productive templates.

These templates are made to reflect on your resolutions and help you focus on the areas of your life you want to track.

If you’re trying to budget better – Grid Diary can help you do that. If you’re trying to get better at productivity – it can help you do that as well.

Timeline is pretty useful at setting smaller goals you need to achieve and the calendar will always make sure you know what is awaiting you ahead of.

There are two pricing plans available:

  • $2.99/month – 3-day trial available
  • $22.99/year – 14-day trial available

Getting all your resolutions in the Grid Diary and using the templates and system available can help you stay consistent and achieve your goal – no matter how long it takes.

Stay focused with Focus

Be Focused

Time is money as they say it, right? We live in a world where we can easily get distracted – whether it’s the news, YouTube, or any other social media platform.

Focus is an app that helps you stay focused so you can take advantage of every minute of the day. This works well, especially when you’re being the most productive in the day.

Inside the Focus app, you will be able to temporarily block entire apps, websites, or specific pages that distract you the most. This helps to eliminate distraction that happens instinctively when we browse the internet for work. We like that if you visit a website you’ve previously temporarily blocked, you’ll get a motivational quote that will put you back in the productive mindset.

What’s also worth noting is that there’s a scheduling system that allows you to schedule your productive time. This can either be the time you’re working on your Mac or when you’re trying to achieve the most results.

Without any distractions, you’ll be able to achieve as much as you can within the tight framework that will end up in great resolutions achievement in the long run.

Focus is available through Setapp and it’s free to download.

Form Good Habits with Everyday Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker

Breaking down bad habits is one of the most popular types of New Year’s resolutions. Everyday Habit Tracker helps track all your habits so you can form good habits but also stop bad habits.

Whether you’re trying to go to sleep at the same time every day, push yourself to become fit, stop smoking, or even learn a new language – you can set any goal in the Everyday Habit tracker app.

The great thing is you can have as many resolutions as you wish. When you set the resolution – the apps intrigues you to do the tasks every day. The only way to grow good habits or eliminate bad habits is to take action every day and that’s exactly what this app helps you to do.

Everyday Habit Tracker helps visualize the progress so you don’t break the chain of positive consistency as you do even the smallest tasks every day.

The app is free and it has in-app purchases that are not mandatory.

Protect your files with Get Backup Pro

get backup pro

Setting New Year’s resolutions is important but protecting them is even more important. Imagine if you woke up and your Mac was wiped clean. What would you do?

Not only this would stop you from making progress with your resolutions – but it will also put you in a lot of trouble for losing all your data.

Backing up your Mac takes can be done in the background and even though it takes a bit of time – you only need to do it once a week (or a day) to stay safe.

Get Backup Pro is a perfect app that will help you backup your Mac easily (even if you’ve never done it before), clone, archive, and even sync your files to other storage devices. In this way, your resolutions, work, private information, photos, and other file types will never be deleted forever!

Get Backup Pro offers a free trial and the full version costs only $19.99.

Keep a clean Mac with CleanMyMac

Remember how we mentioned that New Year’s resolutions are all about getting everything done you have on your plate and starting fresh?

CleanMyMac app is a perfect app that will turn your Mac into a fresh state by removing duplicate files, freeing more storage, monitoring the health of your computer, and more. All you need is to open the CleanMyMac app once a month and follow the tips inside the app that will help you tidy up your macOS, uninstall apps you’re not using often, check your Mac’s health, and protect your Mac by scanning it for viruses and malware.

But how is this going to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions?

If you’re using your Mac daily, CleanMyMac will help you keep your precious machine running as it did when it was brand new so you can focus on goals without slow buffering and loading, distractions, and errors.

How you do anything is how you do everything – so getting your Mac in a healthy shape will help you achieve everything else.

CleanMyMac is free to try. You can get the app from the Macpaw website or Setapp.

Be more secure with Avast Security for Mac


If your New Year resolves to improve your privacy – the best way to do it is to get a security app.

Avast Security for Mac is a perfect app that will keep your Mac from malware you can easily pick up by browsing the internet. Along with that, this app can scan your WiFi for intruders, check email attachments you receive for viruses, and even offer a ransomware shield.

Viruses and malware aren’t new – but you’d be surprised how we have less and less privacy when we use our private Macs. Therefore, knowing that there’s a security app such as Avast Security that can keep our privacy protected when we browse the internet or email is a life-saver.

But you didn’t hear the best thing yet. The best thing is that Avast Security for Mac is free to download with an option to upgrade to a paid version.

Take control of your password destiny with LastPass


If you’re trying to get more things done this year, but you don’t think you can remember more things – this is the right app that will help you with your resolution.

LastPass is an app that can help keep all your passwords and sensitive data stored securely so you don’t have to spend time remembering your passwords, emails, or any other private information.

All the information inside the app is encrypted which means only you can see information stored in your account and not even LastPass can access it. But with having all your information stored in the app, you will be able to have a simple online shopping solution, generate strong passwords, log in with a touch of a button, and even share specific information with your family members.

This app itself will help you manage passwords and worry less about remembering all the information we only need to log into accounts and yet it provides you more comfort knowing you can remember more important things in your life without having any consequences.

LastPass is free for personal users but if you want encrypted file storage in addition to this – you can go with Premium for $3.56/month.

The final words

Keeping up with New Year’s resolutions isn’t going to be easy – but at least you now have apps that will keep you on the right track.You might not need all the apps from this post, but we believe one or two apps will be more than enough to help you achieve your resolutions.

The great thing about the apps is that it fits different needs and resolutions as they’re highly adjustable so you can set the apps according to your resolutions to start making progress.

Also it’s good to learn more about your Mac. You can explore dozens of keyboard shortcuts or commands to save you time and keep you more productive, read books, follow blogs, or even learn any programming language online.

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